How Service Dogs Help People with Severe Asthma

By Blake Webber on March 4, 2024

How Service Dogs Help People with Severe Asthma


Living with severe asthma can be incredibly challenging. Asthma is a condition that affects the airways in the lungs, making it difficult to breathe. Severe asthma can be life-threatening if not managed properly. For individuals with this condition, a service dog can provide invaluable assistance, enhancing their quality of life and offering a sense of security.

Detecting Early Symptoms

One of the most critical ways a service dog can assist someone with severe asthma is by detecting early symptoms of an asthma attack. Dogs have an incredible sense of smell and can be trained to recognize changes in their handler's scent that indicate an impending asthma attack. Early detection allows the individual to take preventative measures, such as using a rescue inhaler or seeking medical attention.

Retrieving Medications

During an asthma attack, it can be difficult for the affected person to move or speak. A service dog can be trained to retrieve medications, such as an inhaler, from a designated location. This can be a lifesaving action, ensuring that the individual receives their medication quickly and efficiently.

Providing Comfort and Support

A service dog also provides emotional support, which can be crucial during an asthma attack. The presence of a calm and trained service dog can help reduce the individual's anxiety, which is often exacerbated by breathing difficulties. This emotional support can help the person focus on breathing and using their medication effectively.

Assisting with Daily Activities

Service dogs can assist individuals with severe asthma in their daily lives. For example, they can help with tasks that might trigger asthma symptoms, such as fetching items, opening doors, and even helping to carry light objects. By reducing the need for strenuous activity, service dogs help prevent asthma flare-ups.